Compare Prezly with the competition
Wondering how Prezly stacks up against competitors? We've done some of the legwork for you, so you can choose the software best suited to your needs.

You can log your coverage in Prezly. Prezly pricing starts at $90/month and we don't sell media lists (read why)

Mailchimp is a great tool for email marketing, but there’s more to PR than email. If you want to earn coverage, you’re better off with Prezly.

Get more flexibility on subscriptions with Prezly, with no minimum user count and a dedicated PR agency plan.

We get your newsroom set up in minutes, not days, and start sending campaigns to your contact lists today.

WordPress is a great tool if you want to build a website from scratch, but it does not help you send email. Share your content with your biggest fans.

Medium helps you start sharing ideas, if you don’t mind someone else pulling the strings. If you’re ready to start building a fanbase, choose Prezly.
We believe that to grow successfully, you must have a way to tell authentic stories to the people who give a damn. That's where Prezly comes in.
Because today’s PR is about so much more than media relations.
Whether you want to create an internal company blog or a public newsroom, Prezly will help you transform your key audiences into your biggest fans.
- Manage all your contacts in one modern CRM
- Publish stories to your own branded site
- Send personalized email campaigns & newsletters
- See what works best with GDPR-compliant analytics
Try for yourself. No strings attached!
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Check out our posts on the subject and find the main differences between the industry giants
Join 500+ PR teams already loving Prezly
Take the stress out of contact management and distribution with a dedicated outreach CRM that your whole team can use.