How to make your email pitch land

This episode's guests know how to pinpoint the right audience for any story. Join Jacob Hauge and Karen Schellekens to learn:

  • How to build an effective pitching list

  • The best way to personalize your pitch

  • How (and when) to follow up

How to make your email pitch land

Getting a good story and an up-to-date list of contacts is only half the battle to pitching a home run.

When it comes to landing coverage, the vital part is knowing how to match those two together and find the perfect fit.

We handpicked this episode's guests because they are masters of pitching, knowing how to pinpoint the right audience and curate any story to their interests.

Join Jacob Hauge from Echos Communications and Karen Schellekens from MMBSY to learn how to build an effective pitching list, the best way to personalize your pitch, and how (and when) to follow up.

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Karen Schellekens: Senior PR Manager @ MMBSY

Karen Schellekens is a Senior PR Manager, working at PR and content marketing agency MMBSY. With more than 8 years of experience in pitching to journalists about a broad range of products and services, Karen knows how to approach the media to get results. 

Karen Schellekens: Senior PR Manager @ MMBSY

Jacob Hauge: Director @ ECHOS Communications

Jacob is the Director of ECHOS Communications, a leader in authentic public relations for active lifestyle, outdoor, consumer technology and cycling brands. Founded in 2009, ECHOS specializes in media relations, storytelling, social engagement and brand activations.

Jacob is a multifaceted creative when it comes to the marketing strategy of designing, executing and monitoring brand campaigns.

Based in Madrid and spending summers in Portland, some of his favorite ideas come either while relaxing on a terrace with a vermouth in hand or exploring the Pacific Northwest on foot or two wheels.

Jacob Hauge: Director @ ECHOS Communications

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

As always, your host will be our very own founder and CEO, Jesse Wynants. Together with co-founder Gijs and the rest of the Prezly team, Jesse has spent the past ten years building a tool completely focused around one thing: building relationships. Managing your media list and knowing which contact is the best fit for your story is a huge part of that!

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

How to make your email pitch land

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