Upload, manage & report on your Coverage ✅

Upload, manage & report on your Coverage ✅

Linking coverage to a contact or organization makes your PR workflow a whole lot easier, which is why we now have Coverage inside Prezly!

Some of our users mentioned that being able to link any coverage or clippings to journalists, authors, or organization would really improve the way they stay on top of all press and media coverage.

So, we created a new Coverage feature to simplify uploading, managing and reporting for all your media clippings by putting it in one place.

Here's a few reasons why it's something to be excited about.

Get an overview of all your Coverage 👀

Having a full overview makes it easier for you to monitor, manage relations and make the most of your media coverage.

Prezly users will be able to upload two types of Coverage 👯‍♀️

  1. Files like PDFs, Word docs, JPEGs and more (see full list)
  2. Links to online news articles, podcasts, videos or even a tweet
This is an example of logging Online Coverage

Share your Coverage via email Campaigns or Pitches ➡️

Our new Coverage features also enable you to take your target industry media exposure up a notch – let everyone know that people are talking about your brand!

Read more about how to log and manage coverage →

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