Feature Insights: Coverage - How Eneco saves time on their Coverage

We take a look at how Prezly's Coverage feature works, with a little help from Mark Van Hamme, the inhouse PR Comms Manager at sustainable energy supplier Eneco

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What's so special about Prezly's Coverage feature?

In a nutshell, the lets you log any coverage of your brand and link it to your contacts and newsrooms, so you always have a clear overview of who is covering your stories.

That coverage can be anything – a news article, a PDF, a podcast episode or YouTube video, even a tweet.

Here's why Mark uses the feature.

"Most of the time, it’s a time saver. What we did before is we kept it manually, because we do a media clipping review each morning towards some company stakeholders. And now it’s automatic. It goes automatically into a centralized list, and that centralized list contains information on the author, and that author is also automatically taken over in my contacts lists. So I think it’s convenient, it saves … it saves an enormous amount of time."

That's right – whenever you record a piece of Coverage to Prezly, our system automatically connects it to its author and outlet in your CRM – and if that author isn't someone you know, we'll automatically create a new contact entry for them so you can easily follow up.

This comes in very useful for helping you manage your contact lists.

"Yeah, absolutely. Because there are also all the time new journalists or freelance journalists that you can’t really keep track of and if they’re mentioned automatically in the coverage area and also automatically transferred to the contacts section, it’s easy to keep them up to date."

To make things even easier, Mark uses an integration between Prezly and Belga, a Belgian coverage tracker. This means that every time Eneco is mentioned in the press, Belga captures the mention and feeds it straight into Prezly, updating your system without you having to lift a finger.

Or in Mark's words...

"It saves a lot of time. It makes my life easier and the outputs more effective."

Want to try it for yourself?

You can watch some videos of the Coverage feature in action, or take a look at if you're thinking of integrating Prezly with your existing coverage tracker.

Or just get in touch and we'll be happy to show you around :)