The 15 most kick-ass PR blogs in 2024 (and their best articles)

These 15 PR blogs contain the most urgent news, the latest industry trends, and all the best info you need to stay at the top of your communications game.

One simple fact has stayed consistent throughout the ages: Communicators are going to communicate. While our ancestors captured their stories on cave paintings and bits of animal skin, we now use blogs and TikTok (and the occasional cave wall, for the nostalgia). 

Because staying up-to-date is integral to thriving as a successful PR professional, we highly recommend subscribing to the following 15 blogs, adding them to your RSS feed, and following them on social media. 

Without further ado, here are our top 15 PR blogs for 2024.

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#1. Spin Sucks


This one is a little bit of a no-brainer. Ask anyone in the comms space who one of the most prominent PR thought leaders is today, and you’ll hear a chorus of, “Gini Dietrich, of course!” And for good reason. Gini is an author, CEO of a communications firm, and the author of the popular Spin Sucks blog, where she discusses her famous PESO framework as well as other hot PR topics.

The top articles to get you started: 

Spin Sucks by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 73
  • AR: 55,824
  • UR: 32
  • Backlinks: 153k

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#2. Garrett Public Relations Blog


Trusting a comms blog starts with having a bonafide subject matter expert at the helm, and Michelle Garrett is such an expert. A successful PR consultant and community leader on the subject (through her very popular #freelancechat), Michelle’s blog discusses all things PR, freelance, and comms.

Our favorite articles to get you started: 

Garrett PR blog by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 51
  • AR: 636,460
  • UR: 17
  • Backlinks: 1.7k

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#3. The Famous Five


We love a little creative inspiration.

If you're feeling stagnant or the ideas aren't flowing, sometimes a good blog post is all you need. The Famous Five (a branch of the Famous Campaigns) aggregates clever marketing and public relations campaigns from around the world and releases a weekly digest on their Substack or straight to your inbox. 

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#4. ​ PR Daily


Are you even a PR if you don’t check PR Daily… daily? 

I apologize, that was unacceptable, but you know what’s not unacceptable? Getting your news, thought leadership, and PR inspiration from the lovely folks at PR Daily. The writers at PR Daily break down the biggest stories of the day from a PR perspective and share insightful tips about doing your job even better (if that’s even possible). 

Our favorite articles to get you started: 

PR Daily by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 79
  • AR: 15,503
  • UR: 28
  • Backlinks: 243k

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#5. ​ The PRCA Blog


The PRCA (Public Relations and Communications Association) is an overseeing body that represents over 35,000 public relations and comms folks worldwide. Not only does the PRCA provide training materials and host conferences around the topic of comms, but they also run an active blog written by a variety of PR professionals. 

Our favorite articles to get you started: 

The PRCA Blog by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 70
  • AR: 109,447
  • UR: 34
  • Backlinks: 200k

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#6 Culpwrit


Ron Culp, founder and primary contributor of Culpwrit, has been on both sides of the public relations game. As a former journalist-turned-PR, he knows what he’s talking about and shares that knowledge with his audience. 

Ron Culp evidently has a passion for helping people break into PR, as many of his insights and resources are great for entry-level professionals and students (as well as more seasoned PR professionals). 

A Culpwrit bonus: he often features guest posts from interesting people and perspectives in the industry.

Our favorite articles to get you started:

Culpwrit by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 32
  • AR: 3,689,208
  • UR: 14
  • Backlinks: 10.9k

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#7 Sword and the Script


If you’re looking for a no-nonsense approach to ongoing PR education through the power of blogs, look no further than Sword and the Script. The blog is run by Frank Strong, and they discuss all things marketing, public relations, social media, and more. 

You can also subscribe to the Sword and the Script newsletter to get your regular dose of PR straight to your inbox.

Our favorite articles to get you started:

Sword and the Script by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 53
  • AR: 518,688
  • UR: 15
  • Backlinks: 6.6k

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#8 PR Couture


PR Couture is fantastic for anybody looking for insights and tips on improving their public relations strategies. There’s advice for freelance PR, entry-level newbies, agency owners, and everything in between. While PR Couture does have a distinct lifestyle and fashion emphasis, there is insight to be gleaned for all niches.

Plus, they also have an active Facebook community to connect with others in the public relations space. 

Our favorite articles to get you started:

PR Couture by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 52
  • AR: 566,583
  • UR: 19
  • Backlinks: 20k

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#9 Prezly


Oh no, did we just include ourselves in our own list of the best PR blogs? Gross.

Anyway, the Prezly blog is chockful of all the inspo you need to start writing engaging press releases, establishing a productive PR workflow, crafting a media kit that converts, and so much more.

We also offer some amazing PR tools, such as PR outreach softwares, PR reporting softwares, and more.

Ok ok, that's it about us!

Are we saying we’re experts in the field of PR? No. But we sure do talk to many of them, distilling that knowledge into readable, relatable content.

Our favorite articles that we’ve written 🤓: 

Prezly by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 80
  • AR: 13,587
  • UR: 27
  • Backlinks: 65.6k

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#10 SparkToro


While a bit more on the marketing side, the SparkToro blog is one of our favorites for getting insights into content, building an audience, distribution, SEO, and so much more. Spearheaded by Rand Fishkin (whom we've had the pleasure of interviewing for one of our PR Roundtable episodes), the SparkToro blog always has an interesting, thoughtful perspective on the current state of comms.

Our favorite articles to get you started:

SparkToro by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 82
  • AR: 9,359
  • UR: 36
  • Backlinks: 103k

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#11 HootSuite


It’s hard to be a PR these days without managing at least a few social media accounts. If you’re looking for a blog with a bit more of a social focus, look no further than HootSuite. They discuss all things social media strategy, building audiences, connecting with consumers, and staying updated on all the constantly changing trends. 

Hootsuite even has a few free tools available, such as a social media dictionary to keep up with what all the young people are saying these days. That way, you’ll be able to tell them to get off your lawn! but in a way they understand.

Our favorite articles to get you started:

HootSuite by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 91
  • AR: 831
  • UR: 32
  • Backlinks: 770k

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#12 PRovoke Media 


PRovoke is your one-stop shop for all things global PR. They have a variety of news pieces, reactions, opinion essays from industry leaders, interviews with interesting people, and so much more. PRovoke also has additional resources for PR agencies, including their PR agency playbook and job boards.

PRovoke has been around for quite a while, and it’s fascinating to journey through the archives and see how media and PR has changed in the last few decades. This 2004 article on the Dawn Save a Duck Campaign and this 1993 How the Pepsi Syringe Hoax Fizzled article are interesting examples. For one of their most recent stories, check out Intellectual Property Faces The Challenge Of A Digital World

PRovoke by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 75
  • AR: 36,304
  • UR: 43
  • Backlinks: 43.8k

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#13 David Meerman Scott


David Meerman Scott, who has written twelve (yes, twelve!) PR books, shares his insights into topics ranging from B2B, personal branding, viral marketing, and so much more on his blog

Our favorite articles to get you started:

David Meerman Scott Blog by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 73
  • AR: 53,807
  • UR: 27
  • Backlinks: 45.9k

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#14 5W PR Blog


The writers at 5W PR share valuable insights into public relations, marketing, and communications. Topics include social media, leveraging new technology in PR, influencer marketing, and more. We love their breakdowns of PR and marketing campaigns and pulling insights from news stories.

Our favorite articles to get you started:

5W by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 14
  • AR: 15,335,031
  • UR: 19
  • Backlinks: 1.8k

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#15 Communiqué PR


Communiqué PR is a PR agency that has been around for almost 20 years. Their blog is a fantastic go-to for building client relationships, creating brand awareness, and gaining insights from recent events. 

Our favorite articles to get you started:

Communiqué by the numbers (according to Ahrefs):

  • DR: 51
  • AR: 636,359
  • UR: 17
  • Backlinks: 1.9k

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Special Mentions

The following blogs may not have made the cut for one reason or another. Maybe they aren’t PR-y enough or possibly don’t update as frequently as we’d like, but they’re definitely still worth checking out. 

  • Brian Solis – Brian Solis is a digital analyst, but he has a lot of fascinating insights into futurism, tech, marketing, and the business world that PR professionals can (and should) learn from. 
  • Marketing Insights – Great snippets of marketing inspiration
  • Pretty Little Marketer – Aesthetically pleasing marketing and social media advice, Pretty Little Marketer shares resources and advice for all things delta marketing. 
  • Trust Insights – An excellent blog for all things data and analytics in marketing. 


Did we miss one of your favorites? Do you have a PR/comms blog you’d like us to check out? Drop us a line or send us a message on Twitter, and we’ll take a look. 

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