Product Launch Press Release Examples

Learn how some of our favorite customers use Prezly to make some buzz around their new products.

Product Launch Press Release Examples

What is a product launch press release?

Ok, you caught us, that heading was for Google. You and I both know that a product launch press release is one that launches a new product or product line. And that product can be anything, in any industry.

Because once you figure out how to tell a compelling story, you can do it about any topic under the sun.

Now, pitching your new product to the media? That's a bit trickier.

In short, the same 5 Ws apply to product launches as they do for all press releases:

  • Who is releasing the product?
  • What is the new product?
  • When is it being released?
  • Where can customers purchase the product?
  • Why does it matter, and how will it improve their lives?

Take a peruse of the examples below and see if you can identify how the most effective press releases hit all five bullets.

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