How not to be evil

If we want our PR to compound over time, we need to build reciprocal relationships with the right people. Join Rand Fishkin to learn:

  • How to find your best audience

  • Ways to build trust & authority

  • The key to organic growth

How not to be evil

With mass-mailing software and "click to buy" media lists galore, it can be tempting to blast out pitches in the hope of them finding their target.

But that does not for sustainable growth make.

If we want long-term success that compounds over time, we need to build reciprocal relationships with the right people.

We're thrilled to be joined by Rand Fishkin, Founder of SparkToro and former CEO of Moz, to talk about how to use modern tools to find the best audience for your stories, build a reputation for trust & authority, and achieve organic growth for your comms.

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Rand Fishkin: Founder @ SparkToro

Rand Fishkin is cofounder and CEO of audience research startup SparkToro. He’s dedicated his professional life to helping people do better marketing through his writing, speaking, startups, and his book, Lost and Founder.

When Rand’s not working, he’s usually cooking a fancy meal for the love of his life, author Geraldine DeRuiter. If you bribe him with great pasta or great cocktails, he’ll spill big tech’s dark secrets.

Rand Fishkin: Founder @ SparkToro

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

As always, your host will be our very own founder and CEO, Jesse Wynants. Together with co-founder Gijs and the rest of the Prezly team, Jesse has spent the past ten years building a tool completely focused around one thing: building relationships. Managing your media list and knowing which contact is the best fit for your story is a huge part of that!

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

How not to be evil with Rand Fishkin

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