Feature Insights: Iceberg Interactive - How Iceberg Interactive manages its contact lists

Chris Bond and Nefeli Gkoni talk to us about how centralizing their contact lists helps them send better targeted campaigns

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Hello and welcome to Feature Insights. Today's topic: contact management.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that managing your contacts can be one of the most important, and most time-consuming parts of working in comms.

With journalists always moving from outlet to outlet, and platforms like Instagram and TikTok creating new ways of speaking with people, the job of keeping all those details up to date is incredibly difficult.

Add to that the challenge of having to tailor your content to different audiences, and the work begins to stack up.

Before they started using Prezly, Chris Bond and his colleague Nefeli Gkoni, PR pros at indie games publisher Iceberg Interactive, had their work cut out for them.

"We were using MailChimp for our press releases, and then we were using a whole different string of Excel spreadsheets to actually keep our contact information. It was completely uncentralized," says Chris.

"With MailChimp, we had no insights on who we were actually emailing or what our relationship with them was. We could know how to engage with them, but we couldn’t really design a campaign accordingly and target specific people. With Prezly, we can tailor the recipients of each campaign to really, really specific people," Nefeli adds.

Not only that, but using your Prezly dashboard, you can get a clear overview of your team’s communications with each person in your database, and leave private notes for your team members to act upon.

By bringing together contact management, campaigns, newsrooms, coverage and team collaboration within just one tool, we wanted to give you a complete overview of your comms to help you make informed decisions on your PR.

"What’s great about a tool like Prezly, especially, is that we’re able to take notes on those profiles. We can see things like what emails they’ve opened, what they haven’t opened and when they visit our pressroom, what are they interacting with? Features like this, not all software actually can do in one. That was a big appeal of Prezly in the first place, and it’s definitely worked out over the last year," says Chris.

That’s all from me for now :)

For advice on making the most of Prezly when it comes to managing your contacts, visit our Help Center or take a look at some of learning resources in the navigation.