Anti-Spam Policy

Prezly has a no tolerance spam policy. “Spam” means unsolicited communication to persons with whom our customers do not have a relationship or who have not specifically requested (opted-in to) our customers’ mailings.

We monitor the Services for any large increases in sending emails. A user’s account will be terminated if the user sends unsolicited email messages. Please report any suspected abuse to  . ISPs and Blacklist administrators may contact us at  . Please forward the complete email in question, including headers. If applicable, please also unsubscribe from the message using the link at the bottom of the email if you no longer wish to receive emails from the sender. We will take the appropriate action against the sender of the email in question.

To use our Services, you must agree to send only permission-based email. This means all recipients must have opted-in to receive communications from the sending entity.An opt-in can occur either via a sign-up form on a web site, at a point-of-sale sign-up form, or on a physical sign-up sheet. Purchased lists may not be used with the Services, regardless of the source or permission status.

You may not use Prezly’s Services to:

  • harvest emails from web sites

  • purchase lists (whether they are opt-in or not)

  • have a subscription form that subscribes users to an unrelated list

  • send out unrelated offers or unrelated content to your contact list

  • add an email address into a list without the subscriber’s permission

You may:

  • send out a regular emails to recipients who have opted-in to receive it

  • send out a regular emails to recipients where you've got an ongoing relation with (clients, contacts, media)

  • send out information and content to recipients who have requested to receive content on that topic from your organization

Anti-Spam Policy

Your account will be immediately terminated if we determine in our sole discretion that you send spam. To determine whether you have sent spam we will:

  • review the content of the message in question

  • review your subscriber list for patterns common to harvested lists

  • review the spam complaint

  • view the records to see when the subscriber was subscribed and their IP address

Prohibited Content

Prezly prohibits the use of the Services to send content which:

  1. Provides, sells or offers to sell (or services related to): pornography; escort services; illegal goods; illegal drugs; illegal drug contraband; pirated computer programs; instructions on how to assemble or otherwise make bombs, grenades or other weapons

  2. Provides, sells, or offers to sell or rent any mailing list

  3. Displays material that exploits children, or otherwise exploits children under 18 years of age

  4. Posts or discloses any personally identifying information or private information about children

  5. Provides material that is abusive, bigoted, prejudiced, racist, hateful, profane, obscene, violent, harassing, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading or otherwise illegal content

  6. Violates the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, intellectual property or other rights of another

  7. Sells or promotes any products or services that are unlawful in the location at which the content is posted or received

  8. Introduces viruses, worms, harmful code and/or Trojan horses on the Internet

  9. Promotes, solicits or participates in pyramid schemes

  10. Engages in any libelous, defamatory, scandalous, threatening, harassing activity

  11. Posts any content that advocates, promotes or otherwise encourages violence against any governments, organizations, groups or individuals or which provides instruction, information or assistance in causing or carrying out such violence.

Prezly reserves the right to prohibit the use of the Services by any entity at its sole discretion. For more information visit

Additional Policies

General Data Protection - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Anti Spam Policy

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