Taking your PR team remote

Transitioning from office life to working remotely takes more than just Zoom. Join Jaspar and Sigrid to learn:

  • What tools & tactics help you collaborate

  • Nurturing relationships in a time of crisis

  • How to prepare for remote work

Taking your PR team remote

For the majority of PRs, the shift to working remotely has not been an easy one – particularly with events and projects being put on hold left, right and centre.

That's why we've invited two expert speakers to share their experience of taking their comms teams remote in an online event chaired by our very own founder, who's been running a remote team for the past five years.

Join us for our latest PR Roundtable to share in the tips, trials and titillating tales involved in going remote. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and meet fellow PR professionals negotiating these unknown waters.

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Sigrid Somers: KU Leuven

KU Leuven is leading Belgium’s charge against COVID-19, with professors regularly appearing in the news to share a scientific perspective on the pandemic. Meanwhile, they are going to great lengths in their search for a vaccine and antiviral medicines to fight the virus, all while trying to understand the epidemic as much as possible to give the best advice on preventative measures.

Add to that the university’s sudden transition to virtual learning, and the need for effective media relations and press communication becomes all the more apparent. As the team coordinating press and policy communications at the university, Sigrid and her colleagues have had their hands full.

“I am so proud of my team for continuing to manage such a huge amount of work in these extreme circumstances. Cloud technology plays a big part in how we run communications, and that has certainly been a great advantage in coordinating this sudden switch.”

Sigrid Somers: KU Leuven

Jaspar Eyears: CEO @ Another Company

Jaspar is CEO of the PR, comms and marketing agency Another Company, where he heads up a team of 150 spread across multiple countries and industries, from fashion to pharma, tourism to consumer tech.

"We were fairly well prepared as 100% of our systems are cloud based and nothing is localized to any specific office. Most of those systems are working well, however, best practices are necessary in structuring your routine at home as you would at the office."

Jaspar Eyears: CEO @ Another Company

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

As always, your host will be our very own founder and CEO, Jesse Wynants. Together with co-founder Gijs and the rest of the Prezly team, Jesse has spent the past ten years building a tool completely focused around one thing: building relationships. Managing your media list and knowing which contact is the best fit for your story is a huge part of that!

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

Taking your PR team remote

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