What PR metrics should you report on?

How can we meaningfully measure our PR when the technology and the goal posts are always shifting? Join measurement king Richard Bagnall to learn:

  • PR measurement trends in 2022

  • How to choose metrics for your campaign

  • How to bring meaning to the numbers

What PR metrics should you report on?

Modern PR measurement is a tough cookie to crack, with the recipe for what works changing constantly.

You wouldn't be the first PR to have asked yourself: How can I decide what to measure for each campaign? How do I derive meaning from the numbers? Which metrics can help me demonstrate the value of my work?

Thankfully, we've found just the man to answer those questions. As Co-Managing Partner of the oldest PR measurement and analytics powerhouse CARMA, and Chairman of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, AMEC, Richard Bagnall has all but written the book on PR measurement.

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Richard Bagnall: Co-Managing Partner @ CARMA & Board Director @ AMEC

As CARMA’s Co-Managing Partner, Richard has advised international clients on the best ways to measure the effectiveness of PR and communications for the past 25 years. He has built or led some of the world’s best-known communications measurement consultancies, including Metrica, Gorkana and PRIME Research.

Richard has been a board director of communications evaluation global trade association AMEC for over 10 years. In 2013 he co-authored the UK government’s Capability Review of Digital Communications.

Richard Bagnall: Co-Managing Partner @ CARMA & Board Director @ AMEC

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

As always, your host will be our very own founder and CEO, Jesse Wynants. Together with co-founder Gijs and the rest of the Prezly team, Jesse has spent the past ten years building a tool completely focused around one thing: building relationships. Managing your media list and knowing which contact is the best fit for your story is a huge part of that!

Jesse Wynants: CEO @ Prezly

What PR metrics should you report on? with Richard Bagnall

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