The GDPR & consent

More information on the GDPR and consent

After the 25th of May 2018, all of your sites will show a banner to inform the user that the site is using cookies and storing information on their browsing behavior.

The header will require visitors to agree to use cookies to track their behavior or give them the option to opt-out from those cookies. Refusing cookies will mean that site behavior (visits, downloads, searches, ...) can and will not be tracked and thus not available on that contacts activity stream.

At any stage, a user can revoke the cookie consent at the bottom of every Prezly site.

Subscribing to a site

Prezly sites have a subscribe button where visitors can leave their email addresses and subscribe to company news.

As of the 25th of May 2018, these submissions will require a double opt-in. This means that visitors will need to confirm their initial subscription by clicking a link in their mailbox. That email will also contain brief information on what they are subscribing to and a disclaimer they are giving you their consent.

Creating & updating contacts

When creating or editing contacts inside Prezly we require you to have consent or approval from your contacts to be contacted or receive company news.

At any point, the contact can revoke that consent by making use of the end-user privacy tools.

Existing contacts

Many are wondering whether they can email existing contacts that haven’t explicitly opted-in, after 25th May 2018. The answer is: it depends.

Read more about consent and your existing database here.

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