New Contact Importer

New Contact Importer

July's product updates & tips on how to improve internal comms with Prezly!


Product updates ✨

Check out the new feature we're working on & the latest additions to our tool!

Coming soon: New and improved Contact Importer

You can't have PR if you don't have contacts, which is why the contact importer is one of the most important features in Prezly.

When it comes to helping our users build and manage their contact lists, everything starts at the contact importer, which is why we decided to make uploading contacts even easier and quicker. Take a look below at what you can expect to see in your account in about a month's time! ↓

The new contact importer gives you tips and links to help articles that will make sure your files definitely make the cut, and that your contacts are seamlessly imported.
The new contact importer gives you tips and links to help articles that will make sure your files definitely make the cut, and that your contacts are seamlessly imported.


Sometimes a few rows in your file may have typos or minor errors, but no worries! Fixing or reviewing your contact information can easily be done without having to leave the page. Pretty handy, right?
Sometimes a few rows in your file may have typos or minor errors, but no worries! Fixing or reviewing your contact information can easily be done without having to leave the page. Pretty handy, right?


And while your file is being imported, you have live updates on how the import is going. Your snazzy purple assistant is here to make sure that everything runs smoothly, so you can feel free to leave the page.
And while your file is being imported, you have live updates on how the import is going. Your snazzy purple assistant is here to make sure that everything runs smoothly, so you can feel free to leave the page.



⚡️ Sign in using SSO

Every second counts! When you need to log in quickly and don't want to risk mistyping your password, you can opt to sign in using SSO.



↕️ Sort your sites by online/offline status

In your sites drid, you can now sort your sites by status! This is especially useful for PR agencies that have a site(s) for each of their clients, as well as larger companies that have many sites intended for reaching their audiences on a global level.



Good to know💡

Here's a tip straight from the Prezly Handbook :

Use Prezly to improve your internal team communications

Our friends in PR use Prezly's stories and sites to share good-looking press releases with their contacts, but here's another idea: why not use Prezly for your company's internal comms, too?

By creating a company site, you can easily publish progress reports, share company updates, and make business-wide announcements (and amplify all the office's inside jokes!). Then, notify your team by email when you've published something new.

Click the link below to get the full scoop



For questions or comments, feel free to email us at or speak to us via chat.

About the author

Klarissa DjajalieKD
Klarissa DjajalieCustomer and Product Marketing

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