De Lijn - How a public transport company boosted its comms workflow

Tom is the spokesperson for De Lijn, a Belgian public transport company. His team uses Prezly to "share stories about the brand with the press and stakeholders, with only a few mouse clicks"

Watch the interview.


Tom likes to communicate visually with images, pictures, and diagrams. He also wants to share his stories with the right people as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, Tom found that these two things don’t always go hand in hand. Sharing high-resolution images was hard (think FTP server hard). Naturally, this made it difficult for readers to access and connect with his stories.

Another issue Tom was dealing with was a scattered, inefficient workflow. He was creating press releases in Word, managing contacts in Excel, and manually bringing it all together in Outlook.

I was looking for a way to easily communicate in a visual way. And I wanted a central place to manage my stories, contacts, and outreach.

That’s when he found Prezly.


Now Prezly is something Tom uses every day. It is integral to his PR workflow. Sharing visuals is easy and quick. With Prezly, Tom sends out mobile-friendly emails that not only look great, but also open effortlessly.

What’s more, Tom’s noticed a positive response to the emails he sends via Prezly. Readers can easily access all the content relevant to the story: links, images, videos... all in a light, uncluttered format. Say goodbye to that FTP server.

Before, it was hard for Tom to keep track of his stakeholders. With Prezly’s CRM system, Tom can now see who’s read and clicked on his emails.

"I like the feedback Prezly gives me about my outreach. Who read my email, who didn’t, that sort of stuff. And based on that, I update my contact database," says Tom.


An example of campaign analytics in Prezly.

At first, Tom was the only De Lijn employee using Prezly, managing external communications for Flanders. Now the other Flemish provinces have climbed on board, each with their own online newsroom. One easy step later and all of De Lijn’s local teams are now working in one Prezly account.

"It’s easy to keep an overview of what everyone’s doing. And when someone is unavailable, it’s easy to fill in for them."

Now that Tom’s seen what Prezly can do for him, he wouldn’t go back to the way things were. "It would be a lot more work, more complex, and I wouldn’t have the feedback on my outreach that I have now," says Tom.

"Returning to my old way of working? That would be taking a step backward."