Improved site style settings (now with live preview!)
It's now easier for you to style your site and make it look even better.

Up until now, editing the style of your site/newsroom required you to click through multiple settings pages to do things like tweak your logo, adjust your site colors, or preview site content.
Today's release brings all your style settings into one place.
Your site style options now have room to breathe, taking up a full page instead of multiple side-panels, and incorporating a bigger and better live preview so you can see exactly how your site will look before you hit publish.
You can finally choose whether your story header image appears below or above your title! More details below.
As part of the update, we're introducing a few highly requested style options as well as bringing together existing ones. To keep things organized, these are split into three sections.
Here you can define options relating to your brand.
- [New] Upload logo: Previously only possible through the branding page
- Header logo size: Logo size options remain the same
- [New] Hide Prezly branding: As with the logo upload, this option is now available here instead of just on the branding page – Premium+ feature only
Choose the colors and typography used in your site. No new functionality has been introduced here (for now 😉).
- Accent color: Remains the same. This lets you set your main site color (usually your primary brand color) to be used in buttons, links, highlights, and other visual elements
- Header colors: Also the same functionality as before. It allows you to define the colors for your header background and links
- Typography: Again, no changes here. Allows you to change your site font choice
This is the section where most of the new functionality was added, some of them highly requested features.
- [New] Homepage grid layout: Change how your homepage stories grid looks; options include "default" and "masonry"
- Story cards: Allows you to decide what elements to include in your homepage story cards
- Featured stories: Choose if you want your featured stories to appear on your homepage
- [New] Enable/Disable social sharing: Show or hide the social sharing icons in your stories
- [New] Story header image position: This is one is a highly requested one. You can now decide to show your story header image above or below your story title 🎉
I know many of you have been asking for some of these updates for a while, so I hope this news makes your day.
And just so you know, we are continually working on making our themes and your newsrooms better, so expect more theme-related news soon!
Have a great one, and see you around 👋
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