Contact engagement statistics at a glance

We've just released two new features to help you see who is engaging with your pitches and campaigns at a glance, and build lists of your most – and least – engaged contacts to help you follow up.

Contact engagement statistics in sidepanel

You can now see the engagement statistics for each contact in the contact sidepanel view. These include:

  • Number of pitches and campaigns the contact has received
  • Their average email open rate
  • Their average email click rate
  • When your team last contacted this contact via Prezly

Open and click rate filter

You can now also use these metrics to filter your contact database. By combining this new functionality with tag filters, this can help you to understand which contacts in niche areas are engaging with your content, and which could use a little TLC.

As always, you can save your filter combinations into dynamic contact segments, so that you always have an up-to-date list of your biggest fans.


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