Auto-detecting formatting is now possible

Auto-detecting formatting based on input characters is now available and ready for use in Prezly's Story Editor and Campaign Composer!


  • Start a sentence with # to create Heading 1
  • Start a sentence with ## to create Heading 2
  • Type > to start a quote
  • Type --- to insert an in-line divider
  • Type - or *or to start a bullet-point list
  • Type 1. to start an ordered list
  • Keyboard-only text formatting by wrapping words with:
    • * italic
    • ** bold
    • _ ​ underline
  • Special characters appear when you input 
    • (c)
    • (r)
    • (tm)
    • =​> (= + >)
    • ⇐ (< + =)
    • -​> (- + >) 
    • <​- (< + -)
    • — (- + -)


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