Changes to how you mass-select checkboxes

We’ve simplified the way selecting multiple Contacts works. From now on, Prezly will reset the selection to 0 when you navigate to a different filter view or when you enter a new search term, such as a contact's first name.


☑️Learn more about how mass checkbox selection works in Prezly


How it worked before

Previously, when you selected contacts using the checkbox function, they would remain selected even when you navigated away to a different part of your CRM or changed the view filter. While this seemed helpful at first, we quickly realized that it could be confusing – especially if you have a large contacts database.


So, what does this new update mean?

From today, your selection will be reset whenever you apply a new filter or enter a new search. This means that if you’re performing an action – such as adding Contacts to a Campaign, applying Tags, or exporting Contacts – you’ll need to make sure to complete that action before changing your filter view. This is the same behavior as you’ll find in other everyday tools, such as Gmail, so we hope you’ll find it more straightforward and intuitive to use. 🤩

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