Integrate with Prezly

There are plenty of ways to integrate with Prezly. Build on top of our APIs, use our Typescript SDK, or fork one of our themes to self-host your newsroom.

Open-source theme

Create your own Prezly theme using the Prezly Bea theme:

  • Awesome Developer Experience

  • Powered by NextJs, Typescript, PrezlySDK

  • 5-minute setup

  • Deploy on Vercel or Netlify

Open-source theme

Prezly API & SDK

Use Prezly API to achieve almost anything in the app. Some example use-cases:

  • Import your content into Prezly

  • Segment your contact list

  • Subscribe contacts to your CRM

  • Feed coverage into your account

  • Create a newsroom

Prezly API & SDK

Powerful editor

Learn about the Prezly editor (built on top of Slate) and how to interact with our rich-text format.

Powerful editor

Prezly ❤️ Open-Source

Here are some other packages/things we're working on while we're improving our product.


The full Prezly editor experience as a single package. Powered by SlateJS.


Typescript SDK that offers all the functionality of Prezly.


PHP Implementation that renders the rich-text format into HTML.


Contentful extension that exposes the file widget.

Join 500+ PR teams already loving Prezly

Take the stress out of contact management and distribution with a dedicated outreach CRM that your whole team can use.