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Sites subscriptions

Add a newsletter sign-up form in your site footer and handle subscriptions.

Help: Adding your own custom privacy policy link to your sites
Sites subscriptions

Adding your own custom privacy policy link to your sites

Help: Resubscribing someone who accidentally unsubscribed
Sites subscriptions

Resubscribing someone who accidentally unsubscribed

See how your contacts can resubscribe to your site
Help: What happens if someone unsubscribed from your emails?
Sites subscriptions

What happens if someone unsubscribed from your emails?

To comply with anti-spam laws and as a best practice, email campaigns sent through Prezly will have a small unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
Help: Site subscriptions & subscription form settings
Sites subscriptions

Site subscriptions & subscription form settings

How site subscriptions are enabled, created, tracked, and managed

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