Managing Tags is now quicker ⚡️

Stay organised with quicker tagging and untagging


Product updates

🏷Mass tagging and untagging

Adding tags one by one takes more time out of your work day than it should, which is why we’ve come up with a quicker way to manage tags. From mass tagging and untagging to easily managing tags on a contact level, this update will have you saving time and keeping your contacts database more organised.

With our new bulk untagging feature, all you have to do is select the contacts you'd like to remove a tag(s) from, then click on the "More" button above the list.

Then, once you've clicked on "Remove Tags," you can specifically choose which tags you would like to remove from your selected contacts.

Adding or removing tags to your contacts has never been easier! ⚡️


✨ New and improved log in page

In case you haven't noticed, we recently rolled out a new log in page!

Logging into Prezly now comes with a preview of our latest updates for you to explore.


Your input is highly appreciated

💡Speaking of product... help us decide what to build next!

We are currently trying to figure out which features to build next and would like to ask if you could fill in our survey? This'll take no more than 1-2 minutes of your time and your input will be a great help in shaping our decision!

➡️Start the survey



Check out our latest case study

👾A glimpse into PR in the Gaming industry

We recently had the chance to learn more about PR in Gaming by having a chat with Tom Weber from Kolibri Games about their PR challenges, wins, and how they are using Prezly to streamline their workflow.


About the author

Klarissa DjajalieKD
Klarissa DjajalieCustomer and Product Marketing

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