Adding images, text, and files to Prezly is now quicker ⚡️

Adding images, text, and files to Prezly is now quicker ⚡️

Drag & drop files, and copy & paste content in seconds

October 6 2020


In the last few weeks, we started focusing on making speedy changes to our editors – changes that will help you work faster and save you the time on formatting text, images and files when putting them into Prezly.


Drag & drop

You can now drag and drop any files into the editor from your computer. When you drag an image file and drop it into the Campaign or Pitch Editor, the file will show as an actual image. But when you drag other files, like a Word document or a PDF, for example, they will show as attachments.


Copy + paste content from webpages or Google Docs

Now, it is also easier to copy text and images from a webpage and paste it into an Email Campaign or a Pitch. When pasting content from a webpage or a Google Doc, Prezly tries its best to keep the text, formatting (bold, italics, underline, subscript, or superscript), images, and links intact. 🙌

Alternatively, if you and your team have collaborated on a Google Doc and you’d like to get the content into Prezly, you can simply copy text and images from the Google Doc and paste it into the editor.

This improvement is only available in Campaign and Pitch Editors. We are currently working on getting this ready for the Story Editor.



How a non-profit builds relationships & stays relevant

For businesses with money in the bank, Covid has meant lost profits, layoffs and even closures. But for a humanitarian organization relying on public donations to operate, it can mean life or death. We spoke to Angela Makamure, Press Officer at Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Southern Africa to learn more about how building and maintaining relationships are key in keeping the organization's work relevant and in the news.

But at a time when we are all facing the effects of a global health crisis, Angela says it is more important than ever to put relationships first and then work later. 💚

I check on their well-being because they are human, like me. The way I’m suffering is the way they are suffering.

Read all about it at the link below ↓


Prezly has new partners to grow with 🌱


Belgapress + Prezly Coverage integration

Consistent coverage can have an incredible impact on the work that PR folks do, which is why it's so important to keep up with what the media is saying and when. So, we decided to work on integrations that bring coverage tools and Prezly together, starting locally with Belgian news monitoring and press database tool, Belgapress.

Good news, Belgapress + Prezly users! 🎉This integration is free of charge if you are already a Belgapress customer and would like to see your media coverage and mentions updated daily in your Coverage page.

Get more info on this integration here →



For questions or comments, feel free to email us at or speak to us via chat.

About the author

Klarissa DjajalieKD
Klarissa DjajalieCustomer and Product Marketing

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